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Organize an Effective Bilingual Program at PHS
Organize an Effective Bilingual Program at PHS

Pacific Primary and High School (PHS) has 100% of 12th grade students graduating from high school in the 2009-2010 school year. The school organizes・・・

Th5 01, 2015 | 720 views
Teaching Children through Field Trips
Teaching Children through Field Trips

PHS field trips are always done with a lot of effort by teachers. Getting students out is much more difficult and challenging work than teaching them・・・

Th7 16, 2015 | 575 views
PHS Primary Graduation Ceremony 2016-2017
PHS Primary Graduation Ceremony 2016-2017

Congratulations to all 5th graders of Pacific Primary and High School who officially graduated from Primary level in a solemn graduation ceremony on・・・

Th5 30, 2017 | 577 views
Primary Education at PHS
Primary Education at PHS

Pacific Primary and High School - Pacific Primary and High School (PHS) was established on July 26, 2010. Along with the success of the Secondary・・・

Th5 05, 2021 | 1096 views
Awards for the academic year 2020-2021
Awards for the academic year 2020-2021

CERTIFICATES OF MERIT AND REWARDS AVAILABLE IN CLASSES The epidemic has not affected the quality of education of PHS nor the quality and quantity of・・・

Th6 07, 2021 | 614 views
2017 Literature Olympic Contest
2017 Literature Olympic Contest

In April of the 2016-2017 school year, the Literature team cooperated with the PHS Student Council to organize the OLYMPIC LANGUAGE contest with the・・・

Th7 05, 2021 | 603 views
2016-2017 Beautiful Handwriting Contest
2016-2017 Beautiful Handwriting Contest

Practicing beautiful handwriting helps children practice patience, carefulness and thoroughness…. It is an essential skill and a sustainable・・・

Th7 05, 2021 | 672 views
Students of the month (08.2021)
Students of the month (08.2021)

Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in August. Let's all work harder in September!

Th9 09, 2021 | 690 views
Students of the month (09.2021)
Students of the month (09.2021)

Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in September. Let's all work harder in October!

Th10 05, 2021 | 672 views
Students of the month (10.2021)
Students of the month (10.2021)

Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in October. Let's all work harder in November!

Th11 07, 2021 | 642 views
Students of the month (11.2021)
Students of the month (11.2021)

Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in November. Let's all work harder in December!

Th12 06, 2021 | 623 views