Students of the month (11.2023)
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in November. Let's all work harder in December 2023!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in November. Let's all work harder in December 2023!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in October. Let's all work harder in November 2023!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in September. Let's all work harder in October 2023!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in August. Let's all work harder in September 2023!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in April. Let's all work harder in May!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in March. Let's all work harder in April!
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in January and February, 2023. Let's all work harder in March!
La première fois, la fête de la Francophonie a été organisée par la classe de 10e et les professeurs à l'école PHS. Click here to・・・
PHS SCHOOL CALENDAR2023 – 2024 1. ACADEMIC TERMS: 03/8/2023 → 12/01/2024: 1st term 15/01/2024 → 31/5/2024: 2nd term 2.・・・
Congratulations to the students who had good academic results in December, 2022. Let's all work harder in January, 2023!